Knotwork Links Headdresses

The Princess
An elegant piece featuring two long flowing drapes, with beads of your choice. Headband made of 4-in-1 galvanized steel, 16 ga. 1/4" ID. Shown with tear drop style blue glass. Looks great for a formal night out. PRINCESS $30.00

The Enchantress
A headband made of a modified 4-in-1 pattern, 16 ga. 5/16" . Features two tiers of black diamond cut chain, and one chain dagg with bead of your choice. ENCHANT $20.00
(pictured bead may not be available)

The Amazon
Featuring two tiers of spiral chainmail encircling the eyes, one copper, one black annealed steel. The spiral tiers can be custom adjusted by KLC to fit your desired specifications. Main headband made of 4-in-1 galvanized steel, 16 ga. 1/4" ID. AMAZON $40.00

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Elvin Princess
Headband made of 4-in-1 galvanized steel, with three small daggs (triangular accents), one centered and two on the sides. ROYALTY $30.00
The Elvin Princess
A great new design with five sets of doubled beads on three tiers of drapes. The pictures shows the headdress made out of stainless steel, 16 ga 1/4" links. The doubled beads can be of any color scheme you choose, or any combination of beads you choose. ELVIN $36.00

All headdresses can be made with copper, brass, or stainless steel for additional expense. Copper will tarnish and may stain skin, so it is not suggested for direct skin contact. The copper tier on the Amazon will most likely not tarnish your skin because of minimal contact.

Note that the overall effect of headdresses can be changed by their placement. 
        KariBeady.jpg (34879 bytes)      KLDG2-09.jpg (30518 bytes)    
Kari in the Elvin Princess Kate in a green variant of the Elvin Princess

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Pages Last Updated on 12/26/02 - Updates